Monday 7 October 2013

A Girls Gotta Have Somewhere To Hang Her Dress!

I've been seeing a lot of the wire-wrapped coathangers that spell out "Mrs" or "Bride" or something close to that effect, and now that they're super popular, I needed to "make it my own" so... I grabbed me some ribbon, and a coathanger, and some beads and got to work!  It's not done yet as I want to add the wedding date and some pearls to the wood, but I love it so far!

 I love how my fairy figurine looks like she's giving it a bit of a kick!

The picture doesn't actually do it justice, but at least it's a bit different than all the wire-bending hangers out there!  

Bottle Cap Wine Charms

Meet my little wine charm prototypes!

I want to make personalized wine charms for each guest at our wedding so I set out on the Google and found a few tutorials on how to make these little beauties.  These ones are crappy and only made with spray adhesive and Mod Podge, but I wanted to see how they'd look when they were finished and I pretty much love them.

The trickiest bit was finding a way to create the names so that they'd print out the right size, but the Avery website was my best friend again with all of their sticker templates.  I played around for a little while and came up with the purple/turquiose tags.  The most wonderful thing about the Avery website is that you can customize everything on the stickers from the colors to individual text on each label.  It's so easy to do!!!

Now all I need to do is order a few hundred epoxy stickers, flattened bottle caps and a bunch of wine charm rings and our guests will each have something personalized to use for the evening and take home with them.  I'm thinking about using these as decorations on the fronts of each cracker, that way they'll double as name cards!  Win-Win!!!

Ring Boxes

I decided on ring boxes over ring pillows as I can DIY up something unique and we will always have somewhere safe to keep our rings if we're not wearing them.  Lance is an electrician and will only be able to wear his ring when he's not working... Work hazard or something like that... Bah!  My box will go unused for the most part, but it'll still look pretty as a set!

Here are the two finished boxes

 And the inside view.

I still need to make little satin pillows with tie-up ribbons for the inside, but Lance decided to tell me that he doesn't like the purple color and wants me to re-do them.  It's a bloody good thing that I love him.  So... Now I have these two little ring boxes that will have to find another home, and I'm starting on making a couple of new ones.  The new boxes are more square, and I've already started painting them, and this time I think I'll stamp the words on the top rather than try to paint them, as I'm shaky with a paint brush at the best of times!  New pics to come soon!!!